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拉里·莱利(Larry Lelli)并不知道,他在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校(University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)帮助组织爵士音乐节(Jazz Fest)的本科工作,会让他在30多年后成为两部托尼奖(Tony award)提名的百老汇剧目的制片人.


“Jazz Fest was a massive operation that taught me so much about, literally, operating a Broadway show,莱利谈到一年一度的活动时说,这一活动吸引了数百名中学生和高中生来到校园. “我们在百老汇也有同样的元素,只是规模更大、更宏大.”

Lelli, a 1990 applied instrumental music graduate, 在百老汇有近30年的职业生涯,担任鼓手和打击乐手. Last year, for the first time, 他是两部百老汇音乐剧《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》和《澳门黄金城官网赌场》的联合制片人! The Musical!两部剧都获得了2024年托尼奖的提名——《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》获得了最佳音乐剧奖,《澳门黄金城官网赌场》获得了最佳音乐剧奖! The Musical!” for best revival of a musical.

Larry Lelli


“It’s kind of ridiculously lucky,” Lelli says. “我制作的前两部音乐剧都获得了托尼奖提名,这是一件令人难以置信的事情,甚至连想都不敢想. I’m just kind of on top of the world.”

The Tony Awards will be given out on Sunday, June 16, 在纽约市林肯表演艺术中心举行,并将在哥伦比亚广播公司播出.

这些提名让莱利回忆起他在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的日子, where he was actively involved in the music program, playing drums in a jazz band and in a house band at The Cabin. 在莱利的职业生涯中同样重要的是,他帮助制作了一年一度的“卡巴莱”音乐剧,并组织了爵士音乐节,这些工作开阔了他的眼界和思维,让他看到了幕后的工作——从编排音乐到与企业赞助商合作——这些工作都进入了一部作品.

“I learned so many important skills — how to work with people, how to delegate tasks to team members,” Lelli says. “我学到了很多澳门葡京网赌送彩金管理人员、管理制作和经营公司的知识. It’s really wild to think back on it all now.”

Lelli credits Robert Baca, 小号教授兼威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校爵士研究主任, and Ronald Keezer, a former associate professor of music, 为了一个支持性的学习环境和“美妙的教育体验”.巴卡对莱利达到百老汇的高度并获得高水准奖项的提名并不感到惊讶.

“While attending UW-Eau Claire, he was the epitome of a positive, principle-oriented person,” Baca says. “他为自己的短期和长期目标孜孜不倦地工作,在30多年的时间里,他的字典里没有‘极限’这个词. 这个奖项只是让人们注意到具有拉里天赋的人所能取得的成果. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校很幸运有拉里作为我们环境的一部分.”

莱利在百老汇成功的音乐生涯包括在《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》等剧目中表演和指挥,” “Jekyll & Hyde” and “A Christmas Story, The Musical.“莱利的职业生涯从单纯的鼓手发展为指挥家, music director, music supervisor, 在尝试制作之前,他是音乐承包商和协调人.

“It was quite a transition moving, as we call it, across the table,” Lelli says of becoming a producer. “There are all the people that are on stage, in the pit, behind the scenes making all the magic happen on Broadway. 然后在桌子的另一边还有其他参与融资的人, doing the casting, making creative decisions for the show. It’s a very different kind of mindset to be in.”

It also is big business, 因为制作一部百老汇新剧的成本从小型戏剧的300万美元到大型音乐剧的2500万美元不等, Lelli says. He estimates that 80% of shows are not financially successful.

“It’s a lot of money, a lot is at stake,” Lelli says. “It’s very high pressure, very stressful. 你对你所有的投资者负有巨大的责任,要创造出成功的东西.”

In addition to raising money for the shows, 莱利在他的作品的音乐方面投入了大量的精力——制作, 强调并确保歌曲在演出的适当位置. Once the production moves to the theater for rehearsals, 他每天和创意团队一起工作16个小时,“找出最好的方式来表达节目中的每一个时刻。.”

“You sacrifice a lot of your life to get into this business, whether you’re a performer or producer on a Broadway show,” Lelli says. “It’s all encompassing. 我们必须做出这样的承诺和牺牲来创造这种艺术.”

Lelli’s two Tony-nominated shows are very different productions. “Gutenberg! The Musical!” has a two-person cast; “Water for Elephants” is an elaborate production that combines acting, 在观众眼前搭建马戏团帐篷时载歌载舞.

莱利说:“在这两部作品中,我们尽我们所能创造了最好的作品. “他们都取得了巨大的成功和商业上的成功. The best part for me is that audiences are loving the shows. 这让我很高兴,我们可以为所有这些人创造伟大的娱乐, 并为我在这个行业的所有朋友创造数百个就业机会.”

莱利对托尼奖的提名表示感谢,他希望这部作品能获得相应的奖项. 他也意识到威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校帮助这些时刻成为可能.

“I didn’t know this is where I was going to end up, 我不知道我的梦想和激情会把我带到这里,” Lelli says. “到目前为止,我的生活是最美妙的,我不会为世界做任何改变. I’ve played with some of the most famous people in the world, 在纽约和世界各地一些最大、最令人向往的音乐厅演出, 我在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校接受的教育使我能够做到这一点.”

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